This week’s woman in science

By admin Mar30,2024

From math hater to a leader in clinical data, it’s been a long journey for Jennifer Visser-Rogers, vice president for statistical research and consultancy at Phastar.

She tells us how she discovered her love of statistics, why honing her craft has fed her passion to make a difference, and that she will never pull the ladder up behind her.

Could you give us an overview of your work?

As Phastar’s vice president for statistical research and consultancy, I wear two different, but very much interconnected, hats within the business.

Firstly, I manage our strategic consultancy offerings, working on projects that keep the company at the cutting edge of new statistical developments, and also lead our research activities. The two roles feed into each other. The consultancy helps us understand the research challenges our clients and the industry are facing, and we then use that information to design commercial offerings that provide the solutions.

I also head up the Phastar Cares initiative, which offers pro bono access to our specialist statisticians, programmers, and data mangers managers.

When did you realize you were interested in science?

I hated math in high school, but a teacher convinced me to do it at A level. I was convinced I would drop it after the first year, but when I did a statistics module, I absolutely fell in love with it. Up until then, I had found math really abstract, but when I started doing statistics I thought “this is what I should be doing”.  I loved the idea that mathematical thinking could have a real impact on the world, and it lit a fire in me.

By admin

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