Radboud University – finding the best way to diagnose rare diseases

By admin Mar1,2024

Deploying genomic technologies helps researchers to better understand the causal mechanisms of diseases improving the accuracy of diagnoses which can help offer patients and their families a possible direction for the future.

According to the US National Institute of Health, an estimated 7,000 rare diseases collectively impact between 3.5% to 5.9% of the global population. In the EU​ alone, this equates to 36 million people.

Four to five years for answers

Unfortunately, the complexity of rare disease biology can leave patients waiting an average of four to five years for answers. This, a team at a Netherlands university says, is why the race is on for researchers around the world to figure out how to unravel rare disease mysteries faster.

A project being led by researchers at Radboud University Medical Center is focusing on reducing the time it takes to identify and name a person’s rare disease.

“The focus of our research is to find the best way to molecularly diagnose patients with a rare genetic disease. Our ultimate goal is that this is a rapid diagnosis, obtained in a least-invasive way, but also cost-effective for our healthcare system,” explained Lisenka Vissers, Department of Human Genetics and Radboudumc Research Institute for Medical Innovation, Netherlands.

Diagnosis in under a week

The Radboud team envisions a scenario where a diagnosis could be delivered in under a week through a simple blood test. To do this, the Radboud team has adopted the latest sequencing technology – long-read HiFi.

Today, most patients with a rare genetic disease undergo one test to find a diagnosis, which often uses a method called short-read exome sequencing. This method looks for small genetic changes associated with specific rare diseases. Yet, these tests are limited to only 50 million base pairs, out of 3 billion in the human genome, so the test cannot pick up some of the longer, more complex variations linked to rare diseases.

By admin

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