PC-21 fleet marks new flight time milestone

By admin Feb29,2024

Surpassing 500,000 flight hours, the Pilatus PC-21 has solidified its position as a leading training platform.

The global fleet of PC-21 training aircraft has recently crossed a significant milestone, surpassing 500,000 flight hours.

This achievement underscores the aircraft’s reliability, efficiency, and impact on shaping the future of pilot training worldwide.

Holistic Training Platform

Studies and experience from current PC-21 users demonstrate the system’s significant cost-saving potential, exceeding 50% in some cases.

This is attributed to the efficacy and economic viability of the PC-21 compared to traditional training methods.

Military Training Excellence

Ioannis Papachristofilou, VP Government Aviation at Pilatus, highlights the PC-21’s effectiveness in military pilot training.

He emphasizes the aircraft’s state-of-the-art equipment, smart avionics, and high-performance capabilities as key factors for air forces.

A Comprehensive Training System

The PC-21 training system is comprised of an integrated suite of tools such as mission planning and debriefing systems, training materials, virtual reality, and a flight simulator.

Consequently, it is a comprehensive learning environment, enhancing pilot proficiency and safety.

Global Recognition and Widespread Adoption

With nearly 250 PC-21s in service worldwide, the aircraft enjoys global appeal and proven effectiveness. Renowned air forces across Europe, Australasia, and the Middle East rely on this advanced training platform.

The PC-21’s flexibility and advanced capabilities make it suitable for various training needs, including:

  • Basic flying training
  • Advanced flight training
  • Full mission management training
  • Embedded simulation/emulation

The recent acquisition of 16 additional PC-21s and simulators by the Spanish Air Force further solidifies their position as the largest PC-21 operator in Europe.

Case Studies

The Spanish Air Force‘s investment exemplifies the growing recognition of the PC-21’s capabilities. This commitment to modernizing their training infrastructure ensures the readiness of future pilots.

Similarly, the Swiss Air Force’s decade-long partnership with Pilatus is a testament to the PC-21’s reliability, performance, and long-term value. The aircraft has been instrumental in shaping the skills and expertise of Swiss aviators since 2008.


The PC-21’s achievement of 500,000 flight hours marks a pivotal moment in modern aviation training.

From cost-efficiency to technological innovation, the PC-21 embodies excellence and empowers air forces worldwide to cultivate skilled aviators prepared for the challenges of tomorrow’s airspace.

By admin

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